This site, even though it contains about 3000 pages, is essentially a Dutch treat.
That's because during the past 25 years I've been engaged as a music critic, cartoonist
and translator, all of which activities are closely intertwined
with the Dutch language.
Nevertheless, I offer a slimmed-down
English version, in which you may find some amusing
or interesting things - especially in the cartoon sector.
For relatives abroad, there is a genealogical sub-site, focussing
on the Van der Waa family.
Main subjects:
My translation of Gormenghast
by Mervyn Peake
(two pages in English, and several links)
Other translations
Some writings in English
Cartoons and comic strips
Genealogy of the Van der Waa's
(in Dutch, but with an English introduction)
My CV (only in Dutch)
Other websites I designed:
The Walloon Church in Amsterdam (English introduction) (in Dutch, but mainly drawings, so that hardly makes a difference)
